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SWISS MENGELE-STYLE ABUSE OF MEDICINE AND PSYCHIATRY in order to annihilate the ethnic minorities and silence the investigation of their crimes:
As was done by other criminal administrations thoughout the human history, the Swiss-german genocide machinery is attempting to stop the investigation of their crimes against humanity by the misuse of medicine and psychiatry. So in the Summer of 2009, several Swiss judges, hand picked their own "objective team" of Swiss doctors, willing to betray their Socratic Oath, with the intent to discredit the acting Ombudsman-International, and the pending charges against them by the International Criminal Court, by the European Court of Human Rights and by other judicial bodies.

Dr Joseph Mengele, the 'Angel of Death'Why? Because Obmudsman-International has gathered tens of thousands of pages of documents which prove, unequivocally, their crimes. So instead of arguing and discussing the charges in a civilized manner, in a civilized court, they had resorted to age-old political persecution and to the misuse of medicine and psychiatry. Long live Mengele and his legacy! (At least in Switzerland). The list of the participating hand-picked "doctors" will be published here in due time.


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SPECIAL REPORT: Analysis of the Genocide of Ethnic Minorities in Switzerland.

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Ethnic War in Switzerland.
Unobserved under the cover of skillful Public Relations there is an intensive ethnic war going on in Switzerland. Namely the minorities are being systematically deprived of meaningful contact with their children in order to achieve the genocide and annihilation of the minorities,  their cultures and languages, through child alienation, aryanization and indoctrination with racism, fremdenhass, antislavicism, antisemitism, and uebermenschlichkeit.
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"In the prospect of an international criminal court lies the promise of universal justice. That is the simple and soaring hope of this vision. We are close to its realization. We will do our part to see it through till the end. We ask you . . . to do yours in our struggle to ensure that no ruler, no State, no junta and no army anywhere can abuse human rights with impunity. Only then will the innocents of distant wars and conflicts know that they, too, may sleep under the cover of justice; that they, too, have rights, and that those who violate those rights will be punished."
-- Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General


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Center of contemporary racism.

their crimes

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Statistics of the Swiss German genocide of the minorities:
of the children from mixed families going through divorce or separation are given to the custody of the Swiss-German parent, to be alienated from the other parent and his culture, germanized and aryanized. This way the Swiss-Germans eliminate all ethnic minorities. As a rule the only children of the mixed marriages which are not assigned to the Swiss-German parent, are those with physical or mental handicaps. This way the Swiss-German courts and Regime violate not only the Genocide convention but also practice Eugenics at the expense of the minorities, inclusive the French and Italian speaking Swiss citizens.

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Swiss-German Virtual Gas Chambers of the Third Millenium.  As have done the German Nazis in the last century, to this day is being done by the Swiss German third generation Nazis and Neo-Nazis. They are committing a systematic and planned genocide and annihilation of the  minorities and of their cultures and languages through the theft, alienation, germanization and aryanization of their children. Whether you throw the minority adults into gas chambers or steal and alienate their children the end result is the same: GENOCIDE.

"Switzerland is throwing minority children into gas chambers of ethnic, culural and linguistic annihilation:"
SPECIAL REPORT: Analysis of the Genocide of Ethnic Minorities in Switzerland.

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Minority Children in a Swiss Virtual Concentration camp, subjected to forced Germanization, Aryanization, alienation from their minority parents, deprivation of contact with their ancestral languages and cultures and indoctrinated in Swiss-German Schools with racism, fremdenhass, anti-slavicism, anti-semitism, and "uebermenschlichkeit" in order to annihilate the minority cultures and languages of their ancestors. This ethnic warfare of the Swiss-German majority is contrary to Genocide and Geneva conventions is a crime against humanity.

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Since the Roman times to this day: Tacitus made a testimony (paraphrase): "Germans say why to work, to sow, plough and harvest when we can rob the corn after the season".

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Had Hitler been smarter, he would have not sent the Jews to the concentration camps and he would not kill them in gas chambers. Instead, he would just take away all their children and place them in German-Nazi families, German-Nazi homes and institutions. The result would be the same: The Jews would have disappeared, once and for all, from the face of this planet. Whether one kills the adults or takes away their children, the result is the same: annihilation.

Fortunately Hitler wasn't so smart, but his second and third generation Swiss-German admirers have learned from his mistakes and continue with Hitler's legacy, with the annihilation of ethnic, cultural and religious minorities through the theft and alienation of their children which are forcefully taken from their parents and raised in an environment which will deprive them of the contact with the language, culture and heritage of their non-German ancestry. Pure genocide, Hitler's dream come true in the third Millennium.

Ombudsman International

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Spanish espanol
French français
Russian russki
Polish polski

German deutsch

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Clandestine Slavery in Switzerland

© The Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland

Send e-mail with comments and suggestions to:

8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Telephone Number
(41-22) 917-9000

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(41-22) 917-9016

SPECIAL REPORT: Analysis of the Genocide of Ethnic Minorities in Switzerland.


Abuse of the undocumented aliens in Switzerland:

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Lebensborn means "spring of life". The "Lebensborn" project was one of most secret and terrifying Nazi projects. Heinrich Himmler created The "Lebensborn" on December 12th, 1935. One of the most horrible sides of the Lebensborn project was the kidnapping of "racially valuable" children in the eastern occupied countries (i.e. Slavic children). These kidnappings were organized by the SS in order to take by force children who matched the Nazi's racial criteria. Hundreds of thousands of children were transferred to the "Lebensborn" centers in order to be "Germanized". In these centers, everything was done to force the children to reject and forget their birth parents. As an example, the SS nurses tried to persuade the children that they were deliberately abandoned by their parents. The children who refused the Nazi education were often beaten. Most were adopted by SS families. In 1942, in reprisals of the assassination of the SS governor Heydrich in Prague, a SS unit exterminated the entire male population of a small village called Lidice. During this "operation", SS made a selection of the children, 91 of which were considered as good enough to be "Germanized" and sent to Germany. It is nearly impossible to know how many children were kidnapped in the eastern occupied (Slavic) countries. Low estimates speak of more than 250 thousand, high estimates of millions of children who were kidnapped and sent by force to Germany. Only 25,000 were retrieved after the war and sent back to their families. It is known that several German families refused to give back the children they had received from the Lebensborn centers. In some cases, the children themselves refused to come back in their original family: they were victims of the Nazi propaganda and believed that they were pure Germans. Their indoctrination was so "perfect" that they showed racism and hate towards their birth parents, birth countries and birth nations.

At the same time Himmler had created Lebensborn in Nazi Germany, his Swiss-German admirers and collaborators have created their own version of “Swiss-Lebensborn” which, with minor variations exists to this day and commits systematic and massive genocide of the minorities. One thing that is not quite clear is whether Swiss were inspired by Himmler or Himmler was inspired by the Swiss-Germans. It is not clear which one of the two, the German Nazis or the Swiss Germans, had invented the Lebensborn system of genocide. Anyway, with the end of the war the Swiss Germans have continued with their extermination of minorities and they have brought their Swiss-Lebensborn system of genocide to a new level of perfection.

Switzeland: The perfect Genocide: After the fall of the Third Reich, the Swiss-Germans have brought genocide and mass annihilation of ethnic and cultural minorities to a new level of perfection. The main components, the three main pillars of the Swiss-German Lebensborn Project are the following:

1)          “Amtsvormundschaft”

2)          “Erziehungsberatung”

3)          The courts

The main trick of their success is that they hide their acts of genocide under the lies of “child protection”. In fact the only thing the Swiss-Germans want to “protect” the children of minority and mixed marriages from, are the “inferior” cultures and languages of their ancestry. As is clear from the enclosed documents the Swiss-German excuse for genocide (child germanization) parallels the Nazi “explanations” who had tried to justify their child-kidnappings by “endangered health” of the children, and their subsequent “protection”.

The enclosed documents from the Nazi trials after WWII prove that the current practices and conduct of the Swiss-German courts, individuals and institutions, to the minutest detail match and follow Nazi-Plans of genocide, child-kidnappings and germanization.

As was true with the victims of German-Nazi genocide, where children were first “…subjected to a racial and psychological process of selection …” so it is true of Swiss-German genocide of the ethnic minorities. In Switzerland so called “Erziehungsberatung” offices, staffed by psychologists and psychiatrists have the task to sift through children of minority-parents or of mixed marriages and to select “racially valuable” children for Germanization.  The staff of Swiss Erziehungsberatung offices have taken over the same role as have had the above described Nazi “Eignungspruefer” or “race examiners”.

As was true with the German-Nazi criminals also the various Swiss courts, Erziehungsberatung, Amtsvormundschaft and other institutions work in close “…harmony and co-operation … (with the) two-fold objective of weakening and eventually destroying other nations while at the same time strengthening … (Swiss-Germans) … at the expense of (other) nations.”

Amtsvormundschaft = The first pillar of the Swiss-Lebensborn. Swiss-German Amtsvormunschaft is in fact a Swiss-German version of the Nazi Lebensborn institution, which took “racially valuable Germanizable” minority children and isolated them from the cultures and languages of their ancestry. Amtsvormundschaft, just like Lebensborn, has the power to take the children from their birth parents and place them in an environment in which they are isolated from the culture and language of their birth parent (or parents) and impregnated with Swiss-German racism and Fremdenhass, including with the hatred of the language and culture of their own ancestry.

As was outlined in the Himmler’s Nazi plan, the above-named Swiss institutions do everything possible to limit or totally eliminate the influence of the minority parent, and to give preferential treatment to those minority parents who are more willing to allow the total germanization of their children.

The Swiss follow Himmler’s plans of stealing Slav children to the minutest detail: “…it is our duty to take their children with us, to remove them from their environment, if necessary by robbing or stealing them …”

Himmler in a letter of 18th June, 1941, where, speaking of Polish children, said the following: “I would consider it right if small children, of Polish families, who show especially good racial characteristics were apprehended and educated by us … the apprehension of the children would have to be explained with endangered health” While the Nazis tried to justify their child-kidnappings by “endangered health” of the children, the Swiss-Germans mask their crimes against humanity under the cover of family law and “child protection”, while in fact, as described above, the only thing the Swiss-Germans want to “protect” the children of minority and mixed marriages from, are the “inferior” cultures and languages of their ancestry.

The Secret of Swiss Perfection

What makes the Swiss-German genocide of the minorities so perfect? The secret of the “perfection” is the perfect harmony and coordination between the three pillars of the Swiss-German Genocide of the minorities:

1) Amtsvormundschaft (Modeled after the Nazi “Lebensborn” or guardianship commission),

2) Erziehungsberatung (psychological and medical race-examiners – to evaluate and “justify” the criminal decisions of the “Lebensborn” or Amtsvormundschaft office), and the

3) Courts (To either rubber-stamp and “legitimize” the criminal decisions of the “Lebensborn” or Amtsvormundschaft office, or to make their own decisions which intensify the germanization and aryanization of the children). In cases where the “Amtsvormundschaft” doesn’t make the “right” decisions, the courts can override them and order child-kidnapping, child-aryanization and germanization even above and over the heads of the “Amtsvormunschaft”. In fact the courts are the key and final element of the Swiss-Lebensborn and of the Swiss-German genocide of the ethnic and cultural minorities, especially of the “racially valuable” Slavic children. (The practices of the Swiss-German courts in the state of Berne are a prime example of the brutality and ruthless genocide of the minorities by the Swiss-Germans.)

First, the Amtsvormundschaft, which works at a local level, identifies children of minority or mixed marriages which it selects as targets of genocide. Any kind of excuse they can find serves as a “reason” of their interference, a “reason” to get involved in the alienation of the minority or mixed children from the culture and heritage of their ancestry. The title they use “Amtsvormundschaft” or “Guardianship Commission” serves as a cover for their involvement. They pretend to get involved to “guard” the children, but the only thing, they really want to “guard” the children from, are the “inferior” (in their view) cultures and languages of their minority ancestry. The “Amtsvormundschaft” or “Guardianship Commission” has the same powers as, and appears to be modeled after, the Nazi “Lebensborn” institution.

Sometimes they (the Amtsvormundschaft) go directly to the courts, which rubberstamp their decisions. An appellant has practically a zero chance to appeal the decision of the racially motivated and totalitarian “Guardianship Commission” (Amtsvormunschaft) which “guards” the minority children from the cultures and languages of their ancestry. Since the “Guardianship Commissions” are not made up of experts, to make their minority-hostile and criminal decisions look “justified” and “scientific”, occasionally they have their decisions rubber-stamped by Erziehungsberatung (Psychological race-examiners), who double-check the children for physical and mental health and/or defects and validate the germanization (Genocide) of “racially valuable” stock. Practically the only children who get rejected by the Erziehungsberatung (Psychological race-examiners) are those with mental or physical defects.

Those parents who become a nuisance to the perpetrators of the above described genocide of the minorities, get framed with various “crimes”, which serve as a basis of their deportation (of course without children!) and their permanent alienation from their children, as well as assuring the “final solution” i.e. the permanent and irreversible alienation of the minority children from the “inferior” cultures and languages of their ancestry.

Since the members of the racially motivated “Amtsvormudschaft” or “Guardianship Commission” are not experts, then how are they selected? They appear to be selected politically, with those applicants having exceptionally racist and minority-hostile attitudes getting preferential treatment. To find racist or minority-hostile citizens in the Swiss-German areas is no problem at all. This selection process parallels the policies of the Third Reich where members of the ruling Nazi party or SS-units have been awarded sensitive and crucial political positions. The Swiss-German Amtsvormundschaft” or “Guardianship Commission” has the same powers as, and appears to be modeled after, the Nazi “Lebensborn” institution, which had been invented by Himmler and which had kidnapped and Germanized hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of mostly Slavic children.

To top off the perfection of the Swiss-German genocide of the minorities, the courts, which rubber-stamp and “legalize” the entire crime of genocide, use pre-planned court delays and postponements to achieve their goals. For example, any and all appeals of a parent regarding contact with his/her child, get postponed until the children have been irreversibly Germanized or until they have achieved adulthood. At which stage, as planned and expected, the children will say that they do not want to have any contact with his/her minority parent nor with the culture and language of his/her ancestry.

Court Delays: the tool of genocide

The most powerful and the most widely misused tool of the Swiss courts, in order to achieve deliberate genocide and annihilation of the minorities, is TIME. They use the factor of time to achieve their goals of genocide and ethnic cleansing in several ways:

1) They issue a “temporary” order giving the minority parent, without any valid reason and mostly against the explicit wishes of the children, a brutally limited access to his/her children in order to achieve the alienation of the children from the language and culture of the minority parent. And they (the Swiss courts) “inadvertently” stretch the validity of such “temporary” order into years, using any possible delay they can think of. The real reason for the delays of the Swiss courts, whenever minority or Swiss-minority children are involved, is genocide, i.e. their alienation of the children from the culture and language of their minority parent’s ancestry.

2) After years of “temporary” forced alienation of the children from their minority parent and his/her ancestral culture and language they either (under manipulated circumstances) force the children to declare that they are no longer interested to meet their minority parent. Then without regard of the right of the children and oblivious to the genocide laws, they suddenly have a “reason” which justifies the preceding years of “temporary” alienation and indoctrination with the Swiss-German variety of racism, called “Fremdenhass”. After the children have been indoctrinated to believe that they are now 100% Swiss-German and that any contact with their inferior “Yugo” parent would be below their level, their attitudes to their minority parents can be well understood.

3) Despite any “wishes” of the manipulated, brainwashed or otherwise alienated children not to have any contact with their minority parent, this does not allow the Swiss state, nor any state, to alienate them also from the culture and language oft their ancestry. To avoid any violation of the anti-genocide legislation, even if the children did not want to meet their minority parent, the state cannot simply remove them also from an adequate contact with the culture and language of the minority parent’s ancestry. A replacement figure has to be found who will convey the values, language and culture to the alienated and separated children. Of course there is never ever such attempt made in Switzerland, when really the real reason for the alienation of the children from their minority parents is their total and full alienation from the culture and language of their ancestry, their germanization, aryanization and indoctrination with Swiss-German “Uebermenschlichkeit” (“above-humanity”) and “Fremdenhass” (Swiss-German variety of racism). And any “reasons” specified by the Swiss courts or other agencies are just excuses, just cover up for the real reasons for denying minority parents adequate contact: genocide and the improvement of the “Swiss-German blood”.

4) Swiss judges know what Himmler knew, and that is the fact that Genocide through child alienation and germanization is a factor of time. It doesn’t happen in a moment it takes time. That’s why they use court delays and postponements in order to achieve their objectives.

Ethnic cleansing through staged kangaroo courts

If the above mentioned tactics to achieve the total isolation of the minority children from the cultures and languages of their ancestry, i.e. “forcibly transferring children of the group to another group” fail, if the intimidation of the minority parents doesn’t work, then the parent will get deported from the country. The deportation of the “problem-parent”, i.e. a parent who just doesn’t shut-up and accept the genocide, is their “final-solution”. It ascertains that the children will never ever get to know anything about the culture and language of their ancestry, while it serves also as a tool of intimidation and submission.

To excuse the “need” for deportation of the minority parent, he can be accused of “criminal acts”, while being denied a fair trial and a fair defense, and in a kangaroo court proceeding “convicted” of the drummed-up charges.

Swiss parasitism: Profiting from genocide, fraud and tax evasion

The entire country of Switzerland is built around and upon a philosophy of parasitism. They hide money of German tax evaders, of African Warlords, of corrupt officials from around the world. The billions of dollars coming from this financial parasitism are obvious.

Much less obvious is that Switzerland profits even more, tens of billions of dollars, from the exploitation of ethnic minorities and from genocide. By stealing and “forcibly transferring children of the group to another group” Switzerland avoids the economic and social problems associated with ageing of the population and demographic catastrophe.

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Other sources: (

10TH OCTOBER, 1947 - 10TH MARCH, 1948

Source: Law Reports of the Trials of War Criminals. United Nations War Crimes Commission. Vol. XIII. London: HMSO, 1949



2.  The acts, conduct, plans and enterprises charged in Paragraph 1 of this Count were carried out as part of a systematic program of genocide, aimed at the destruction of foreign nations and ethnic groups, in part by murderous extermination, and in part by elimination and suppression of national characteristics. The object of this program was to strengthen the German nation and the so-called ‘ Aryan ’ race at the expense of   such other nations and groups by imposing Nazi and German characteristics upon individuals selected therefrom (such imposition being hereinafter called ‘ Germanization ‘) ; and by the extermination of ‘ undesirable ’ racial elements. This program was carried out in part by

(a)  Kidnapping the children of foreign nationals in order to select for Germanization those who were considered of ‘ racial value ’;  ….


…..  The Main Staff Office of the Reichscommissioner for the Strengthening of Germanism was the relevant directing body. It operated under the supervision of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfuehrer of the S.S. and Chief of the Nazi Police. It was responsible for, among other things, bringing “ ethnic Germans ” into Germany, evacuating non-Germans from desirable areas in foreign lands, and establishing new settlements of Germans and “ ethnic Germans ” in such areas. These activities involved transfer of populations, Germanisation of citizens of other countries, deportation of Eastern workers, deportation to slave labour of members of other countries eligible for Germanization,  kidnapping of so-called “ racially valuable ” children for Germanization, participation in the performance of abortions on Eastern workers, murder and plunder of property. The chief defendant, Greifelt, was head of the Main Staff Office and in personal charge of one of its branches, Amstgruppe B. The latter consisted of offices for economy, agriculture and finance. He held the ranks of Obergruppenfuhrer of the S.S. and of Lt.-General of the Police. The other accused who held high positions in the Main Staff Office as heads of various branches, were : Crauz, Oberfuehrer S.S. (Senior Colonel), Deputy to Greifelt, chief of Amstgruppe A, which consisted of the Central Office and the offices for resettlement of folkdom and labour and in personal charge of Amt Z (Central Office) ; Meyer-Hetling, Oberfuehrer S.S., Chief of Amstgruppe C, which consisted of the Central Land Office and the offices for planning and construction, in personal charge of Amt VI (Planning) ; Schwarzenberger, Oberfuehrer S.S., Chief of Amt V (Finance) ; Huelman, Standartenfuehrer S.S. (Colonel), Chief of the Branch Office at Posen.

The leading position of the Main Staff Office was established by the Tribunal in the following terms : “ The Main Staff Office was actually the directing head of the whole Germanization program, co-ordinating the activities of the other organizations. Before the end of the war, the activities of the Main Staff Office involved, among other things, the expulsion and deportation of whole populations ; the Germanization of foreign nationals ; the deportation of foreigners to Germany as slave labor ;  the kidnapping of children; and the plundering and confiscation of property of enemy nations.”

The office for Repatriation of Ethnic Germans (VOMI) was responsible for, among other things, the selection of “ethnic Germans,” their evacuation from their native country, their transportation into “ VOMI ” camps, their care in these camps including temporary employment as well as ideological training, and their indoctrination after final employment or resettlement. It took large amounts of personal effects of concentration camp inmates and of real estate, for the use of resettlers. It also played a leading part in the compulsory conscription of enemy nationals into the Armed Forces, Waffen-SS, Police and similar organisations. In addition, it participated in the compulsory Germanization of “ethnic Germans” and people of German descent, in the forcing into slave labour of individuals considered eligible for Germanization, and in the kidnapping of foreign children. Werner Lorenz was the Chief of VOMI ; and Heinz Brueckner was Chief of Amt VI (Safeguarding of German Folkdom in the Reich-Reichsicherung deutschen Volkstums in Reich).

The S.S. Main Race and Settlement Office (RUSHA) was responsible for racial examinations. It was an advisory and executive office for all questions of racial selection. Racial examinations were carried out by RUS leaders (Rasse und Siedlungs Fuehrers) or their staff members, called racial examiners (Eignungspruefer), in connection with: cases where sexual intercourse between workers and prisoners of war of the Eastern nations and Germans had occurred ; pregnancy of Eastern workers ; children born to Eastern workers; classification of people of German descent ; selection of enemy nationals, particularly Poles and Slovenes, for slave labour and Germanization; kidnapping of children eligible for Germanization; transfers of populations ; and persecution and extermination of Jews. Otto Hofmann was the Chief of RUSHA from 1940 to 1943 ; Richard Hildebrandt was the Chief of RUSHA from 1943 to 1945 ; Fritz Schwalm was Chief of Staff of RUSHA ; and Herbert Huebner was the RUS leader for the Warthegau, Poland.

The “Lebensborn” Society existed long before the war and was primarily concerned with running a maternity home. It was contended by the prosecution that, within the racial scheme for annihilating nations under German rule, it was responsible for kidnapping of foreign children for the purpose of Germanization. Max Sollmann was the Chief of Lebensborn and in personal charge of Main Department A, which consisted of offices for reception into homes, guardianship, foster homes and adoptions, statistics, and registration; Gregor Ebner was the Chief of the Main Health Department; Guenther Tesch was the Chief of the Main Legal Department; and Inge Viermetz was Deputy Chief of Main Department A.

In regard to these organizations and their leading officials, the Tribunal made the following finding: “Each organization had certain well-defined tasks, which after 1939 were modified or expanded as the recent war progressed. The organizations worked in close harmony and co-operation, as will later be shown in this judgment, for one primary purpose in effecting the ideology and program of Hitler, which may be summed up in one phrase : The twofold objective of weakening and eventually destroying other nations while at the same time strengthening Germany, territorially and biologically, at the expense of conquered nations.”   ……

…..  “These thoughts make it most recommendable to transfer those persons, who were not included in the German People’s List but who live in a racial mixed marriage with Poles or who are of mixed German-Polish descent, to Germany proper, if they are not especially active for the Polish ideology. The final Germanization can be achieved in Germany proper. Children from such German-Polish racial mixed marriages have, whenever possible, to be educated in Germany proper and in German surroundings (educational institutions). The influence of the Polish parent must be excluded to the greatest possible extent.

“ Probably only a small part of the Polish population within the new Reich territory can be Germanized ; the easiest way will be to transfer them, and especially their children, to Germany proper, where, as a matter of course, a collective employment or settlement is completely out of question.

“Special treatment of racially valuable children.

A considerable part of the racially valuable groups of the Polish people, who, on account of national reasons are not suitable for Germanization, will have to be deported to the rest of Poland. But here it has to be tried to exclude racially valuable children from the re-settlement and to educate them in suitable educational institutions, probably like the former military orphanage at Potsdam, or in a German family. The children suitable for this are not to be over 8 to 10 years of age because, as a rule, a genuine ethnic transformation, that is, a final Germanization, is possible only up to this age. The first condition for this is a complete prevention of all connections with their Polish relatives. The children receive German names which etymologically are of accentuated teutonic origin, their descendant certificate will be kept by a special department. All racially valuable children whose parents died during the war or later, will be taken over in German orphanages without any special regulation. For this reason a decree prohibiting the adoption of such children by Poles is to be issued.

“ Any keeping of biologically healthy children in church institutions is prohibited.

  Children of such institutions, if not older than approximately 10 years, are to be transferred to German educational institutions.

“Poles with a neutral attitude, who are willing to send their children to German educational institutions, do not need to be deported to the rest of Poland. “

“ As already related, the final aim must be the complete elimination of the Polish national spirit. These Poles who cannot be Germanized must be deported to the remaining Polish territory.

  In all cases of eviction of classes which are racially equivalent to us and valuable, the possibility of a retention of the children and their special education is to be considered.  …….

……. The above programme was later developed by Himmler. In a directive entitled “Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Race in the East,” he spoke of the necessity to bring about the extinction of alien races, and issued the following instructions regarding the treatment of children: “A basic issue in the solution of all these problems is the question of schooling and thus the question of sifting and selecting the young. For the non-German population of the East there must be no higher school than the fourth-grade elementary school.

“The sole goal of this school is to be:

Simple arithmetic up to 500 at the most; writing of one’s name ; the doctrine that it is a divine law to obey the Germans and to be honest, industrious and good. I don’t think that reading should be required.

“Apart from this school there are to be no schools at all in the East. Parents, who from the beginning want to give their children better schooling in the elementary school as well as later on in a higher school must make an application to the Higher SS and the police leaders. The first consideration in dealing with this application will be whether the child is racially perfect and conforming to our conditions. If we acknowledge such a child to be as of our blood, the parents will be notified that the child will be sent to a school in Germany and that it will permanently remain in Germany.

“The parents of such children of good blood will be given the choice of either giving away their child ; they will then probably produce no more children so that the danger of this subhuman people of the East obtaining a class of leaders which, since it would be equal to us, would also be dangerous for us, will disappear ; or else the parents pledge themselves to go to Germany and to become loyal citizens there. The love towards their children whose future and education depends on the loyalty of the parents will be a strong weapon in dealing with them.

“Apart from examining the applications made by parents for better schooling of their children, there will be an annual sifting of all children of the General Government between the ages of six and ten in order to separate the racially valuable and non-valuable. The ones who are considered racially valuable will be treated in the same way as the children who are admitted on the basis of the approved application of their parents."  ……..

Further evidence submitted to the Tribunal showed that all the general directions and instructions set out above were strictly implemented. They resulted in the undertaking of a series of criminal measures which are described in more detail below.

(iii)  Kidnapping of Alien Children

One of, the measures undertaken by the accused in order to carry out the programme of Genocide, consisted in forcibly removing from occupied territories children regarded as racially fit to be Germanized. This policy was defined by Himmler in a letter of 18th June, 1941, where, speaking of Polish children, he said the following :

“I would consider it right if small children, of Polish families, who show especially good racial characteristics were apprehended and educated by us in special children’s institutions and children’s homes which must not be too large. The apprehension of the children would have to be explained with endangered health . . .

  After half a year the genealogical tree and documents of descent of those children who prove to be acceptable should be procured. After altogether one year it should be considered to give such children as foster children to childless families of good race. . . .”

Later, in 1943, Himmler formulated this policy in the following terms :

“I consider that in dealing with members of a foreign country, especially some Slav nationality, we must not start from German points of view and we must not endow these people with decent German thoughts and logical conclusions of which they are not capable, but we must take them as they really are.”

“Obviously in such a mixture of peoples there will always be some racially good types. Therefore I think that it is our duty to take their children with us, to remove them from their environment, if necessary by robbing or stealing them. . . . Either we win over any good blood that we can for ourselves and give it a place in our people or . . . we destroy this blood. . . .”

Pursuant to this scheme Greifelt issued appropriate orders, known as “ Regulation 67/1,” where he instructed RKFDV and RUSHA officials in the following terms :

“In order to be able to regain for German Folkdom those children, whose racial appearance indicates nordic parents, it is necessary that the children who are in former Polish orphanages and with Polish foster-parents, are subjected to a racial and psychological process of selection. These children, who are considered to be racially valuable to German Folkdom, shall be Germanized. . . .”

……….  The fate of the children allowed to be born was that of complete Germanization from the cradle ; this was shown in a letter from Himmler’s office to RUSHA :

“The reception into the care of the NSV or of Lebensborn of the child of good racial stock will necessitate in most cases its separation from the mother who remains at her working place. Particularly for this reason the reception into that care of the child of good racial stock is only possible with the mother’s consent. She has to be made to consent to it through interpretations by the caretaking office which set forth the advantages but not the ends of this procedure. . . .”

The Tribunal took note of the fact that the mother was “ to be made to consent.”

(v) Taking away of Infants of Eastern Workers

As distinct from the kidnapping of grown up children for Germanization, the accused were involved in a programme of stealing newly born infants of Eastern workers brought to Germany as forced or slave labourers in factories and agriculture. This was done in connection with the abortion policy, in cases where pregnancy was not discovered until it was too late to perform an abortion or the child was born before pregnancy was discovered. The following instructions were given in a Decree of 27th July, 1943 :

“After giving birth the foreign working women have to resume work as soon as possible according to the instructions of the Plenipotentiary for the assignment of labor. . . .

 “The children born by the foreign working women may in no case be attended by German institutions, be taken into German children’s homes, or else be reared and educated together with German children. Therefore, special infant-attendance-institutions of the simplest kind, so-called ‘ Foreigners’ children’s nursing homes,’ have been erected within the billets where these children of foreigners are attended to by female members of the respective nationality. . . . It is therefore important that the children of foreigners who, partly, are of a similar race and bearers of German blood and may therefore be considered as valuable are not assigned to the ‘Foreigners’ children’s nursing home,’ but if possible, they are to be saved for the German nationality and to be educated as German children.

“For this reason an examination of the racial characteristics of the father and mother has to be carried out in cases where the father of a foreigner’s child is of German or of kindred race (Germanic) . . .” ……..

“The defendant Max Sollmann, as chief of Lebensborn-together with that institution-is charged with criminal responsibility in three specifications of the indictment, namely,  the kidnapping of alien children,  taking away infants of Eastern workers, and the plunder of public and private property. With two of these specifications we have already dealt. We now consider the charge concerning the kidnapping of alien children. …….

SPECIAL REPORT: Analysis of the Genocide of Ethnic Minorities in Switzerland.
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Link to a UNHCR website detailing the Genocide Convention


Genocide means any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

A) killing members of the group,

B) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

C) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

D) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.

E) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The following acts shall be punishable:

F) genocide;

G) conspiracy to commit genocide;

H) direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

I) attempt to commit genocide;

J) complicity in genocide.

Crimes Against Humanity.

Crimes against humanity are the following crimes directed against any civilian population:

A) murder;

B) extermination;

C) enslavement;

D) deportation;

E) torture;

F) rape;

G) persecution on political, racial and religious grounds;

H) other inhumane acts.

I) All persons who participate in the planning, preparation or execution of serious violations of international humanitarian law or contribute to the commission of the violation are individually responsible.

Ethnic Cleansing.

Ethnic Cleansing are any of the following (or similar) conditions brought upon any ethnic, religious, linguistic or racial human group,.calculated to bring about its emigration:

A) deliberately inflicting upon the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its emigration.
B) Such conditions could be persecution, genocide, financial pressure, bodily or mental harm or other types of pressure brought upon the members of the group and calculated to bring about their emigration
C) protecting from rightful prosecution those who commit crimes against the members of the group, in order to make the members of the group live in fear and to make their life unbearable, calculated to bring about their emigration

D) putting various types of financial pressure on the members of the group in order to bring about their emigration

E) constant persecution, investigation, mail, email, internet, telephone tapping and other forms of harassment of the members of the group in order to bring about their emigration

Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

The Swiss Confederation had never officially declared ist participation in World War II, yet it had actively, in a covert way, participated in World War II. Neither has the Swiss Confederation declared an official end to ist war crimes and war activities. The war and crimes of World War II against the Slavic people by the Swiss Fremdenhass Confederation had never stopped, and has continued over the decades since World War II to the present. War, whether declared or not, is a war, and the act of Genocide and other atrocities are acts of war, and thus the Geneva Conventions of 1949 also apply. Since the Swiss Confederation had in fact been waging a war against the Slavic people and against other foreign nationals, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 apply, namely the following acts against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention:

A) torture or inhuman treatment;

B) willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health;

C) taking civilians as hostages.

War Crimes. Definition of War.

War, whether declared or not declared, is a war. There are numerous precedents for this in international law. By its violent acts the Swiss Confederation is waging a de-facto war against the Slavic People and against some other ethnic minorities, just like the Yugoslav Federation was waging a de-facto (but undeclared) war against its ethnic minorities. By its brutal and violent acts against members of minorities (including the applicant and his children) the Swiss Confederation and the other above mentioned individuals and institutions are guilty of severe breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

A) TORTURE OR INHUMAN TREATMENT: the forceful, unjustified, inexcusable and extremely painful and inhumane separation of the applicant and his children is one of the breaches of the above conventions.

B) WILLFULLY CAUSING GREAT SUFFERING OR SERIOUS INJURY TO BODY OR HEALTH: the severity of the above separation brought upon the applicant and upon his children has caused them great suffering and injury to body and health. Some of the evidence for this is in the fact that the children needed long term psychiatric counselling, other evidence could be provided upon request.

C) TAKING CIVILIANS AS HOSTAGES: the above mentioned parties had in fact taken the applicant’s children as hostages. All of these points qualify as Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949.


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The endless atrocieties of the Swiss-German majority against the minorities living in Switzerland know no limits. It is the duty of the international community, of the International Criminal Court, of the European Court of Human Rights and of the United Nations to punish the Swiss-German criminals responsible for the systematic annihilation and genocide of the ethnic minorities through the theft and isolation of the minority children from the cultures and languages of their ancestry, in violation of the International and Swiss genocide laws. The Swiss legislature recommends a life imprisonment and mandates an imprisonment for a minimum of ten years. So let the international community lock them all up and throw away the key! The atrocities and crimes against humanity, the genocide of the minorities in Swizterland MUST STOP and all victims must be compensated!

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Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch / Swiss Criminal Laws


1 Mit lebenslänglicher Freiheitsstrafe oder Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter zehn Jahren wird bestraft,3 wer, in der Absicht, eine durch ihre Staatsangehörigkeit, Rasse, Religion oder ethnische Zugehörigkeit gekennzeichnete Gruppe ganz oder teilweise zu vernichten:

 a. Mitglieder dieser Gruppe tötet oder auf schwerwiegende Weise in ihrer körperlichen oder geistigen Unversehrtheit schädigt;

 b. Mitglieder der Gruppe Lebensbedingungen unterwirft, die geeignet sind, die Gruppe ganz oder teilweise zu vernichten;

 c. Massnahmen anordnet oder trifft, die auf die Geburtenverhinderung innerhalb der Gruppe gerichtet sind;

 d. Kinder der Gruppe gewaltsam in eine andere Gruppe überführt oder überführen lässt.

2 Strafbar ist auch der Täter, der die Tat im Ausland begangen hat, wenn er sich in der Schweiz aufhält und nicht ausgeliefert werden kann. Artikel 6bis Ziffer 24 ist anwendbar.

3 Die Vorschriften über die Verfolgungsermächtigung nach Artikel 366 Absatz 2 Buchstabe b5, den Artikeln 14 und 15 des Verantwortlichkeitsgesetzes vom 14. März 19586, sowie den Artikeln 1 und 4 des Garantiegesetzes vom 26. März 19347 sind für den Tatbestand des Völkermordes nicht anwendbar.


Slovak Criminal Laws (Genocide)

§418, Genocídium

(1) Kto v úmysle úplne alebo čiastočne zničiť niektorý národ alebo niektorú národnostnú, etnickú, rasovú alebo náboženskú skupinu

a) spôsobí príslušníkovi takej skupiny ťažkú ujmu na zdraví alebo smrť,

b) vykoná opatrenie smerujúce k tomu, aby sa v takej skupine bránilo rodeniu detí,

c) násilne prevádza deti z jednej takej skupiny do druhej, alebo

d) uvedie príslušníkov takej skupiny do životných podmienok, ktoré majú privodiť jej úplné alebo čiastočné fyzické zničenie,

potrestá sa odňatím slobody na pätnásť rokov až dvadsať rokov.

(2) Odňatím slobody na dvadsať rokov až dvadsaťpäť rokov alebo trestom odňatia slobody na doživotie sa páchateľ potrestá, ak spácha čin uvedený v odseku 1 počas vojny alebo ozbrojeného konfliktu.

(3) Trestom odňatia slobody na doživotie sa páchateľ potrestá, ak činom uvedeným v odseku 1 spôsobí smrť viacerých osôb.


German Criminal Laws

Deutsche Strafgesetze, Sechzehnter Abschnitt. Straftaten gegen das Leben,

§220a Völkermord

(1) Wer in der Absicht, eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihr Volkstum bestimmte Gruppe als solche ganz oder teilweise zu zerstören,

1. Mitglieder der Gruppe tötet,

2. Mitgliedern der Gruppe schwere körperliche oder seelische Schäden, insbesondere der in § 224 bezeichneten Art, zufügt,

3. die Gruppe unter Lebensbedingungen stellt, die geeignet sind, deren körperliche Zerstörung ganz oder teilweise herbeizuführen,

4. Maßregeln verhängt, die Geburten innerhalb der Gruppe verhindern sollen,

5. Kinder der Gruppe in eine andere Gruppe gewaltsam überführt,

wird mit lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe bestraft.

(2) In minder schweren Fällen des Absatzes 1 Nr. 2 bis 5 ist die Strafe Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter fünf Jahren.

Quelle: (United Nations)

Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide

Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948.

Article 1

The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.

Article 2

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Article 3

The following acts shall be punishable:

Article 4

Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.

Article 5

The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the present Convention and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3.

Article 6

Persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be tried by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties which shall have accepted its jurisdiction.

Article 7

Genocide and the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition.

The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force.

Article 8

Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3.

Article 9

Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.

Article 10

The present Convention, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall bear the date of 9 December 1948.

Article 11

The present Convention shall be open until 31 December 1949 for signature on behalf of any Member of the United Nations and of any non-member State to which an invitation to sign has been addressed by the General Assembly.

The present Convention shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

After 1 January 1950, the present Convention may be acceded to on behalf of any Member of the United Nations and of any non-member State which has received an invitation as aforesaid.

Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 12

Any Contracting Party may at any time, by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, extend the application of the present Convention to all or any of the territories for the conduct of whose foreign relations that Contracting Party is responsible.

Article 13

On the day when the first twenty instruments of ratification or accession have been deposited, the Secretary-General shall draw up a proces-verbal and transmit a copy of it to each Member of the United Nations and to each of the non-member States contemplated in Article 11.

The present Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification or accession.

Any ratification or accession effected subsequent to the latter date shall become effective on the ninetieth day following the deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession.

Article 14

The present Convention shall remain in effect for a period of ten years as from the date of its coming into force.

It shall thereafter remain in force for successive periods of five years for such Contracting Parties as have not denounced it at least six months before the expiration of the current period.

Denunciation shall be effected by a written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 15

If, as a result of denunciations, the number of Parties to the present Convention should become less than sixteen, the Convention shall cease to be in force as from the date on which the last of these denunciations shall become effective.

Article 16

A request for the revision of the present Convention may be made at any time by any Contracting Party by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Secretary-General.

The General Assembly shall decide upon the steps, if any, to be taken in respect of such request.

Article 17

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify all Members of the United Nations and the non-member States contemplated in Article 11 of the following:

Article 18

The original of the present Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the United Nations.

A certified copy of the Convention shall be transmitted to all Members of the United Nations and to the non-member States contemplated in Article 11.

Article 19

The present Convention shall be registered by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the date of its coming into force.


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